Μελέτη της επίδρασης των εφαρμογών για έξυπνα κινητά (smartphones) στην εκπαίδευση μαθητών / φοιτητών για την υιοθέτηση μιας πιο βιώσιμης καθημερινής ταξιδιωτικής συμπεριφοράς στην πόλη
The effect of using smartphones’ apps adopting a sustainable behavior in urban transportation
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Nowadays, especially in the last few years, a lot of steps have been taken to adopt activities, which are more sustainable, to reduce the usage of non-renewable sources of energy and all the kinds of pollution like air pollution and water pollution. Despite all these efforts, the environment continues to be in danger because of the lack of their effectiveness. The measures from countries’ legislations are not adequate to save the environment. As a result, people and countries must do something to overcome this challenge.
The beginning of the understanding of this situation was at Stockholm Declaration in 1972 where 114 countries participated. The applied solutions to overcome this situation could not help to disappear this major problem and as a result this lack of efficiency made the problem to become more and more severe. One of the major factors that created this problem is the preferences about the transportation of people. The advantages of using sustainable ways of transportation will be referred.
The covid pandemic, has affected all people in the last three years. With the measures of the lockdown in most of the countries, the rate of traffic was reduced but the rate of the crashes increased. Covid makes people to trust more and more their cars because they believe that are safer than the sustainable means of transport.
Taking everything into a consideration, each person must change his lifestyle. The role and the efficiency of the existent sustainable apps for transportation will be tested especially for young people because young people are the future adults. Young people consume a big amount of the time in front of a screen during the day. Scenarios will be executed to check the effectiveness of the existent sustainable apps.
According to the results from the scenarios in the sustainable apps, a new iconic app is created to respond better to scenarios. The suggested app tries to be more efficient from the existent sustainable apps. Furthermore, app tries to be more friendly to young people to use this app more from young people. For the iconic user interface, mockups are created via Justin prototype.
The next step for this dissertation will be the creation of the suggested app to check in real life the efficiency of this app to change the behavior and the lifestyle of the people, especially of the young one to become more and more sustainable in the sector of transportation.