Οικογενειακές ναυτιλιακές επιχειρήσεις και διαδοχή στην ηγεσία
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Ναυτιλία ; Ελληνόκτητος στόλος ; Εμπορική ναυτιλία ; Ναυτιλιακό συνάλλαγμα ; ΗγεσίαAbstract
The subject of this "Family Shipping Businesses and Succession in Leadership" and its purpose is to examine the succession in the Greek shipping companies of our country.
It is an undeniable fact that shipping has been and remains the heavy industry in our country in our time, contributing 8% to the GDP.
Despite the strong fluctuation of the shipping cycles in the industry, Greek shipowners have managed to gain a reputation as the most successful ship owners, owning 21% of the world's fleet.
Shipping contributes in several ways to the development of our country. Initially, the Maritime foreign exchange is an important pillar of the Greek Economy as it compensates for the deficit balance of payments. Also, the shipping industry significantly reduces unemployment rates as it employs personnel both on ships - sailors, crew, etc. - and in offices ashore.
Greek Shipping is traditionally a family business. That is, the organization of the management of the companies that make it up is based on the leader-father, who is usually also the creator of the company, and subsequently, the leadership is inherited by the children either directly or through social ties.