Η άρση της αυτοτέλειας του νομικού προσώπου - Δικαιοσυγκριτική επισκόπηση
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Άρση αυτοτέλειας ; Νομικό πρόσωπο ; Συνδεδεμένη επιχείρηση ; Άρση νομικού πέπλου ; Αρχή της κάμψης νομικής προσωπικότητας ; Ικανότητα δικαίου ; Δικαιοσυγκριτική επισκόπηση ; Πραγματική υποκεφαλαιοδότηση ; Ονομαστική υποκεφαλαιοδότηση ; Ταύτιση προσωπικής και εταιρικής περιουσίας ; Καταστροφική επέμβαση ; Έλλειψη συναλλακτικής οργάνωσης ; Σχέση μητρικής και θυγατρικής εταιρείας ; Άμεσος κεφαλαιουχικός έλεγχος ; Εργατικό δίκαιοAbstract
The present thesis attempts to study the principle of the autonomy of the legal personality of both corporate formations (capital companies) and groups of companies (parent company - subsidiary company) and then to identify those cases in which it has been considered - both from the point of view of theory and case law - that the bending of this autonomy of the legal person is permissible. In particular, the phenomenon of the removal of the autonomy of the legal person vis-à-vis its members will be analysed below, as it is reflected in both Greek theory and case law, while then extensive reference is made to the level of groups of companies, since the problematic in theory until today focuses on the relations created between parent company and subsidiary, mainly because of the economic dependence that exists. Finally, the position of theory and jurisprudence is presented extensively, not only at national but also at international level, particularly in the USA and in England, France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands and Belgium, with special and extensive reference to the decisions of the German Court of Cassation and to specific cases handled by the same court, in order to form a comprehensive picture of the studies and the corresponding opinions, which have been expressed from country to country and from law to law on this burning issue.
Overall, the ultimate goal of this thesis is to delve deeper into this major legal issue, which has concerned both the corporate world and Greek courts and not only, in a thorough attempt to identify these basic criteria, on the basis of which - given the lack of a corresponding legislative provision - Greek case law will be able to judge in a correct and thorough manner in which specific cases it will be possible to lift the veil of legal personality of each company/group and, consequently, to attribute responsibilities correctly to the persons who must assume them.