Ανάπτυξη web εφαρμογής εκμάθησης Front End τεχνολογιών (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
Web application development for learning Front End technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
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HTML ; CSS ; JavaScript ; Εκμάθηση ; Web εφαρμογήAbstract
This thesis aims to develop a web application for learning front-end technologies, specifically HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. To achieve this, the user, after registering in the application, attends a series of courses. At the end of each course, the user is invited to assess his knowledge through a quiz. To proceed to the next course, the user must pass a quiz with a percentage greater than 70%. When the user successfully completes all the courses is issued a certificate of completion.
The application is for anyone who wants to learn or develop their knowledge of specific technologies and can progress the lessons at the pace they wish. The application can be accessed from any device (pc, laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.) with a browser installed.