Η συμβολή του coaching στην ανάπτυξη του ανθρώπινου δυναμικού και στην επίτευξη των στρατηγικών στόχων υγιών επιχειρήσεων
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Coaching ; Ανθρώπινο δυναμικό ; Επιχείρηση ; Στρατηγική ; Ανάπτυξη ; Αξιολόγηση ; Στόχος ; Απόδοση ; Management ; Leadership ; Employer branding ; Talent acquisition ; Οργανωσιακή - εταιρική κουλτούρα ; EngagementAbstract
Coaching, as it is also found in the field of sports, means guidance, a technique that is now necessary for any business that wants to be healthy and sustainable. Today, many medium-sized companies ignore its benefits in human resource management and strategy when many multinationals have already developed a coaching culture. With this thesis, coaching initially appears as an integral tool for the development of human resources, especially for the current and future Greek reality. In addition, the role it plays in improving employee performance and by extension in business strategy, as well as in achieving a strong competitive advantage, is highlighted. Πλέον το coaching έχει μπει στις ζωές μας σε διάφορες μορφές (life coaching, health coaching…),ωστόσο δεν πρέπει να φαντάζει ως μια ακόμη «νέα μόδα», αλλά ως ένα δυνατό, όπως θα λέγαμε, «χαρτί» στα χέρια κάθε ικανού Manager. Now coaching has entered our lives in various forms (life coaching, health coaching...), however it should not be seen as another "new fashion", but as a strong tool for a leader.
So how, by developing coaching within the company, can we attract talent, effectively train and develop our human resources? How is coaching connected to company culture? How can the business maximize its profits and develop employer branding? These are some of the questions that will concern us and will be answered in greater detail in this thesis.