Financial development and growth

Master Thesis
Κυριακόπουλος, Νικόλαος
Kyriakopoulos, Nikos
Απέργης, ΝικόλαοςApergis, Nikolaos
Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Λέξεις κλειδιά
Financial development ; Economic growthΠερίληψη
The thesis analyzes the relationship between financial development and economic
growth in Latin America, focusing on the presence of the supply-leading
phenomenon. The financial sector's role in facilitating business transactions and
its impact on economic growth is explored using growth equations and statistical
analysis. The study includes two different financial development indicators and
employs fixed effects models with instrumental variables to address endogeneity.
The main finding suggests that there is limited support for the supply-leading
phenomenon in Latin America, indicating a stronger case for the demandfollowing phenomenon in the region. This result differs slightly from the findings
for the developed countries, where more evidence is found in favor of the supplyleading phenomenon. Additionally, the use of different financial development
indicators yields contradictory conclusions regarding the relationship between
financial development and economic growth.
The thesis also highlights the importance of data quality and further research in
the Latin American region to enhance the accuracy of the analysis. It emphasizes
the need to consider other financial development indicators and control variables
to gain a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between financial
development and economic growth.
Overall, the study sheds light on the complex relationship between financial
development and economic growth in Latin America, providing valuable insights
for policymakers and researchers in the region.