Βασικές αρχές και λειτουργίες του πρωτοκόλλου 802.15.4 - DSME
Basic principles and functionalities of the 802.15.4 - DSME protocol

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Ασύρματα δίκτυα ; Δίκτυα αισθητήρων ; Κεντρικοποιημένες και αποκεντρωμένες αρχιτεκτονικές ; Δίκτυα πολλαπλών κόμβων αναπήδησης ; Διαστρωμάτωση κατά OSI ; Στρώμα μέσου ; Αλγόριθμοι αποφυγής σύγκρουσης ; Φάροι μετάδοσης ; Καθυστέρηση μετάδοσης ; Δείκτες ποιότηταςAbstract
The Current master thesis presents the which DSME standard, as a basis for the
evolution of the original IEEE 802.15.4/e standards, used for connection and
transmission/reception in wireless networks. After a short, introductory presentation of the
basic principles and features of DSME, the thesis focuses on the open issues related to the
standard. These issues have been identified and studied extensively in the research literature
through the studies and simulations of the mechanisms of the DSME standard in real
Thesis is organized into sections, presenting the following topics: The work describes
the basic principles of a wireless network, focusing on the 802.15.4/e protocols and their
evolution which is the DSME standard are described. The Current standard was created in
order to cover open issues from previous realizations, contributing to the improvement of the
quality metrics of the wireless network (Quality of Service). Then the open issues as well as
malfunctions in the operation and application of the DSME standard (deadlocks).
Malfunctions have been studied through significant research work, identifying the
mechanisms from which open issues arise. It then presents the proposals for possible
solutions to the open issues presented in the previous chapter. Approaches for solving the
open issues vary from proposals for the development of new algorithms, up to simple
correction mechanisms that use the already provided structures of the DSME standard.
Following are the general conclusions from the study of open issues and correction
mechanisms. The work concludes by presenting the areas of research that are expected to
have a significant contribution on the improvement of the DSME standard.
DSME is a complex mechanism used in wireless networks to establish and control
transmit/receive connections. The complexity of the standard is also a major contributor to
some of the open issues and malfunctions that degrade performance. Researchers agree that
current standards need to be supplemented and expanded on some of its mechanisms. The
proposed research studies recommend the extension of the standard by adding new
management mechanisms and algorithms.