Εφαρμογή Android υποβοήθησης ατόμων με προβλήματα όρασης
Android Application for the visually impaired

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Εφαρμογή για κινητά ; Άτομα με προβλήματα όρασης ; Java ; ML Kit ; Καταγραφή ομιλίας ; Ανάγνωση κειμένου ; Αναγνώριση χρωμάτωνAbstract
Nowadays there are many types of disabilities that make it quite difficult or even impossible for people with a disability to do simple daily activities. These disabilities can be in the form of sight, hearing or physical. For this reason, we have developed a mobile phone application designed to help visually impaired users. The main function of this application is to help users to understand the world around them without the need to be in contact with them and without knowing what these objects are.
The development of this mobile application involves the use of the Java programming language as well as Android Studio as an integrated development environment. We also used an Android device to continuously test and review the app. The application we developed uses the ML Kit, the OpenCV library and also libraries provided by Android itself in order to facilitate the visually impaired. Some of the functions provided for this facility are text recognition through the physical camera, the ability to convert text to speech through the microphone, recognizing the eyes on a face and also unlocking the phone through the fingerprint. However, the app is only developed for people who have an Android device.