Δημιουργία μιας εκπαιδευτικής πλατφόρμας φοιτητή - καθηγητή, χρησιμοποιώντας το Visual Studio με γλώσσα προγραμματισμού C# και το νευρωνικό δίκτυο για την επίδοση του φοιτητή για το οποίο χρησιμοποιήθηκε η Python
Creation of a student - teacher educational platform, using Visual Studio with C# programming language and the neural network for the performance of the student for which Python was used
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Education platformAbstract
Initially, the dissertation entitled: Educational Platform is an application based on three programming languages, which I was taught during my postgraduate studies. In order to create this work, it was necessary to study in depth the C#, SQL and Python programming languages with which the program was implemented. In addition, the needs of distance learning had to be explored and how this application can help to improve the functioning of the education system in terms of distance learning.
However, for the creation of this application, a step-by-step methodology was followed through which different questions had to be answered concerning the design and functions that this program should serve. As a first step, it was necessary to investigate the needs that users of an educational application have. These needs had to be divided into two subcategories, based on the status of the user (professor, student). Reaching the third step, which has to do with the implementation of these functions in code, the appropriate screens had to be created that would contain these functions. In this step, C# & SQL were used in Visual studio and then Python which had to be connected to the rest of the application. In the fifth and final step we had to test the application and its functionality as well as resolve bugs that were not calculated in the original design of the program.
Finally, this work has helped to better understand distance learning, the usefulness of combining different programming languages together and a better knowledge of these languages. In conclusion, it was established how big a role such applications can play in education and how such projects should be created in order to improve the educational system according to the needs of our time.