Management και ηγεσία στο σύγχρονο επιχειρησιακό περιβάλλον
Management and leadership in the modern business environment
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Ηγεσία ; Διοίκηση ; 21ος αιώνας ; Στρατηγικό μάνατζμεντAbstract
The purpose of this dissertation is to review the existing literature on the investigation of trends in management and leadership in the modern business environment. The two terms, management and leadership, although often equated with each other, in practice differ in their meaning. The role of management is to direct and monitor whether a group of people perform their tasks correctly in order to achieve a specific goal. Leadership, on the other hand, is an individual's ability to influence, motivate and enable others to contribute to the success of the business or organization.
From the beginning of the 20th century until today, many important theories have been emerged around management and leadership, as a result of which they are often applied in combination, in order to maximize labor productivity and the effectiveness of businesses and/or organizations.
However, modern trends impose more flexible management and leadership standards, with special emphasis on highlighting the employee's personality. This is also confirmed by the case study carried out for the company Airbnb, a pioneering company for the data of the 21st century in the lodging industry, using at the same time an analysis of the external and internal environment, in order to make the best possible assessment of its activity.