Operational excellence in construction

Master Thesis
Κωνσταντόπουλος, Δημήτριος
Konstantopoulos, Dimitrios
Μποχώρης, ΓεώργιοςBohoris, George
Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Λέξεις κλειδιά
OPEX ; Operational excellence ; Construction ; TQM ; EFQM ; MBNQAΠερίληψη
The aim of this diploma thesis is to investigate the use of operational excellence and the models that has been created and established the last decades. Also, it focuses on the Con-struction industry, so to analyze its relations with operational excellence and find potential improvements and new research fields. This is supported also by analyzing the company “Archirodon”, so to investigate the potential improvements through operational excellence. To achieve these, firstly the review of literature was used so to analyze the situation in other industries and the related researched. Then a case study follows, that analyze in depth “Archirodon”, its management system and its internal projects that are related to opera-tional excellence. The outcome of this study was the potential improvements that has to do with the Construction industry in general and also with specific improvements for “Archiro-don”, which will contribute to its sustainability.