Έξυπνη πόλη και έξυπνη συμμετοχικότητα. Ο μετασχηματισμός των Κυκλάδων σε έξυπνο νησιωτικό σύμπλεγμα
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Ψηφιακός μετασχηματισμός ; Συμμετοχικότητα ; Νέες τεχνολογίες ; Διαδίκτυο ; Έξυπνη πόλη ; Έξυπνο νησί ; Δήμος Σύρου - Ερμούπολης ; Δήμος Κύθνου ; Δήμος ΣίφνουAbstract
The purpose of this research is to determine the following research questions: to what extent the Greek islands are ready to make the transition to the "smart city" model and whether this would have positive interest rates according to the examples so far at the panhellenic and paneuropean level, where it has been applied primarily to continental areas. Towards this goal, the active participation of citizens is considered necessary. Therefore, the second research question is about the participation of the citizens of the island regions, which is examined as a catalytic component, whether the Greek islander can, wants and knows how to participate.
The research focused on three island municipalities of the Cyclades: Syros-Ermoupolis, Kythnos and Sifnos. The reason the specific Municipalities were chosen is because Syros is the capital and administrative center of the Cyclades, Kythnos is considered to have already started the digital transformation and Sifnos now appears to be entering these processes. They were considered representative of a gradual transition of the Cyclades towards a smart place, with the participation of citizens. Also, the choice of the Cyclades contributed to the fact that it is a key geographic point of Greece as a tourist development pole. This implies both the importance in the economic development of the country, especially after the COVID-19 era, but also the need for convergence with the international landscape of digital transformation.
In order to answer the research questions, two quantitative surveys were conducted among elected officials, executives and employees in the Municipalities and among the citizens of the same municipalities. In the results, it becomes obvious that none of these islands are really technologically ready. The rates are particularly slow compared to the global development and this means that these rates need to be increased, with the immediate mobilization of the authorities of the Municipalities and the intensification of the literacy of the population so that one can talk about active participation