Μαθηματικός Λαβύρινθος
Math Maze
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C# ; Παιχνίδι ; Unity ; SQLite ; Λαβύρινθος με ερωτήσεις ΜαθηματικώνAbstract
The purpose of this project is to implement a 3D Role Playing Game for 6th graders, through which they will have fun, will be tested in Math questions and will gain a first contact with the world of computer games. Chapter 1 will give a brief overview of the history of electronic games, their evolution, as well as Role Playing games. Chapter 2 will provide an overview of the Unity platform and its functions to understand it. Chapter 3 will present a detailed description of the game (Scenario, Entities-World, Rules, and Game Flow). In chapter 4 we will deal with the design and analysis of the game. In chapter 5 we will present how to implement the game through images and analyzing the code we used. This work was carried out using the Unity 2021.1.5f1 platform to set up the game's graphical interface, as well as the implementation of key functions, Visual Studio 2019 (IDE) in which the characters interacted with the game environment in from Scripts written in C # programming language and DB Browser For SQLite in which the game database was set up.