Εφαρμογή Android για μαγειρικές συνταγές
Cooking recipes Android application
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Μαγειρικές συνταγές ; Μαγειρική ; Φαγητό ; Android applicationAbstract
This master’s thesis aims to develop an application for mobile devices with Android operating system, which will give the user easy and at the same time quick access to a wide range of recipes. These recipes are provided by the Spoonacular API, which is worth noting that it offers access to over 5000 recipes, 2600 recipe ingredients etc. The user is informed about some basic features of each recipe such as the required preparation time of the recipe, if the recipe is suitable for vegan diet and how many likes it has. In addition to Remote Datasource (Spoonacular), the application also uses a Room Database as Local Datasource. In this way the user has the ability to save his favorite recipes locally and also the continuation of the good operation of the application is achieved, even when the connection of the device with the internet is lost. Finally, it is reported that an attempt was made for the application to follow the ModelView-View-Model (MVVM) architecture and all the latest Android application development techniques.