Στατιστικά μέτρα πληροφορίας και χρηματοοικονομικοί δείκτες
Statistical information measures and financial indices

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Δείκτης Gini ; Δείκτης Bonferroni ; Καμπύλη Lorenz ; Καμπύλη Bonferroni ; Αθροιστική παρελθοντική εντροπίαAbstract
In this dissertation two statistical measures of information are thoroughly studied, the cumulative residual entropy (CRE) and the cumulative past entropy (CPE). In the field of financial theory, these measures play an important role in finding the Gini and Bonferroni indices. These indicators are used to measure economic inequality in society. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is initially to study the properties and estimates of CPE and CRE and then to study the indicators mentioned above.