Στρατηγική στον κλάδο της ακτοπλοΐας. Μελέτη περίπτωσης: ANEK Lines

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Στρατηγική ; Ακτοπλοΐα ; ANEK Lines ; Κλάδος ακτοπλοΐας ; Επιχειρηματική στρατηγική ; Χρηματοοικονομική ανάλυσηAbstract
In the current era we live in, tourism is one of the most important pillars of the economy of most countries in the world. Through tourism freedom, relaxation - leisure, knowledge of new cultures, and adventure are promoted. The main purpose of this project is the strategy in the coastal shipping industry. The case study concerns the company ANEK Lines, which is one of the largest companies, active in the field of coastal shipping in Greek waters.