Συνεργατικά - διαδικτυακά εργαλεία στην εκπαίδευση
Collaborative - Internet tools in education
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This doctoral dissertation approaches various ways of learning and enhancing knowledge in the light of modern technological development, as the influences on learning and teaching from new technological trends are now evident. The driving force is to explore the breadth and depth of knowledge acquisition when learning is achieved through teaching approaches that combine available tools and learning techniques. Such a study reveals aspects and peculiarities that can lead to the development of new techniques and tools for the transmission and acquisition of knowledge.
In this context, the theoretical approach of the different ways, theories and types of modern learning is carried out, with emphasis on collaboration and the use of new technologies. Specifically for the collaboration, the topics covered relate to the collaboration between teachers and between students and teachers, focusing on and exploiting various theoretical frameworks and techniques to support and enhance learning. In addition, the extensive bibliographic research on contemporary collaborative trends and contemporary collaborative environments in education, conducted in the context of this dissertation, has led to the production of a series of educational activities that exploit the available educational environments and are framed by appropriate learning theories.
Continuing in the same context, educational applications were designed, created, evaluated and / or implemented to support and promote collaboration and learning in the educational process during the preparation of this dissertation. These applications, during their design, were framed by learning theories and theoretical frameworks to be suitable for education. In addition, relevant educational material was created for each of the applications implemented in order to meet the educational needs of various courses at all levels of education. The educational material concerns the content of each application, which comes in perfect agreement with the official curriculum for each case, as well as the creation of educational scenarios and worksheets where students create their own applications. The educational applications, their evaluation and the accompanying educational material are described in detail on a case by case basis.
More specifically, this dissertation focuses on the courses of Informatics, without excluding the extension to other educational subjects, and on their support and framing with appropriate educational software and educational scenarios that were identified or designed and implemented for this purpose.