Η εισαγωγή πρακτικών εταιρικής κοινωνικής υπευθυνότητας (CSR) σε επιχειρήσεις: μελέτη περίπτωσης
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Εταιρική κοινωνική ευθύνη ; Φαρμακευτικές εταιρίεςAbstract
The aim of this thesis was the study of the corporate responsibility actions of Greek
companies, through the study of the CSR actions of the companies of the pharmaceutical
industry in Greece. The sample of the research consisted of the members of the Panhellenic
Association of Pharmaceutical Industry. For the purposes of the thesis, a qualitative research
method was employed, through the collection of data from the companies’ websites and
their published CSR reports, where available. The analysis of the data showed that a large
number of companies (about 45% of the sample) do not provide information regarding their
CSR actions on their websites, leading to the conclusion that they do not engage in CSR
actions. Further, it occurred that many of the companies referred to a CSR policy and to the
implementation of CSR actions, without providing information about the type of actions or
the way of their employment. The third result of the research referred to the fact that most of
the companies of the sample engage in CSR actions that are oriented towards the society,
especially towards the environmental protection. The number of companies that engage in
CSR actions oriented towards their employees or their customers was quite smaller. Finally,
the analysis showed that only few companies have developed an integrated CSR policy. On
the other hand, more companies choose to express their corporate responsibility through
donations or sponsorships to non-governmental organizations, public benefit institutions,
educational institution etc.