Σύγχρονες πρακτικές διοίκησης ανθρώπινου δυναμικού: επιπτώσεις στην εργασιακή ικανοποίηση και στην εργασιακή απόδοση
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Διοίκηση ανθρώπινου δυναμικού ; Επιλογή προσωπικού ; Εκπαίδευση ; Αξιολόγηση απόδοσης ; Ικανοποίηση εργαζομένωνAbstract
Human resource management is one of the most important functions in an
organization, as people are an important competitive advantage for a company.
Especially in the modern era, it is called to face a set of challenges, which require
flexibility and the development of methodologies, which are concentrated at the
employee at. The basic functions of the human resources department, such as
personnel selection, training and performance appraisal, may help to increase job
satisfaction and, consequently, employee productivity. The purpose of this paper is to
present the current practices of human resources management, exploring their impact
on job satisfaction and performance. For this purpose, a case study of the company
Leroy Merlin was conducted, in which employees’ attitudes were presented with
respect to important elements of human resources management, including selection,
training and evaluation. As it was proven, the adoption of clearly defined procedures
results in the existence of satisfied employees, who have a high commitment and
identification with the culture of the organization.