Ψηφιακός μετασχηματισμός και εμπειρία του καταναλωτή στον ασφαλιστικό τομέα. Η μελέτη των ασφαλιστικών εταιρειών της Ελλάδος
Digital transformation and customer experience in insurance industry. The case study of insurance companies in Greece
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Ψηφιακός μετασχηματισμός ; Εμπειρία καταναλωτή ; Ψηφιακή ασφάλισηAbstract
This diploma thesis aims to present the use of digital transformation and its use in the field of
the Private Insurance. In the first chapter, we will define the concept of marketing and the
marketing mix as they are used in our time. Afterwards, we will define the concept of digital
transformation and we will analyze the most important of its categories that enterprises choose
to follow.
In the second chapter, it will be presented the meaning of the customer experience and the
global business turn in the personalized customer services and support. Then, we analyze the
different customer personas that exist nowadays according to a global study that had been
placed by Accenture Financial Services.
The third chapter presents the insurance industry in Greece, especially we will start with a
brief overview of the very first steps of the insurance section from the ancient times until now.
The following section of this chapter presents the financial results of the Greek insurance
industry in 2019. Further in this chapter, we will discuss the technological means and the key
pillars of the strategies used in the insurance companies.
In the fourth chapter, we will present the digital transformation in Private Insurance in
Greece, but also the main pylons-contact points in this particular field.
In the fifth chapter are presented the digital means, products and services of five major Greek
insurance companies (Eurolife, Generali, AXA, Metlife, Allianz), but also how the virtual storecompany
which is called Money Market was created and managed to reach the top of innovation
in the field of insurance intermediary. The analysis of its of the above insurance companies
refers to financial details of the year 2019, the global Group to which belongs and the digital
products that provides to customers. In conclusion, in the sixth and seventh chapter of this diploma thesis, an analysis of the study’s
results is performed about the use of digital means and services by the Greek consumer and his
satisfaction by this use.