Digital transformation στον τουρισμό
Digital transformation in tourism
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Τουρισμός ; Ψηφιακός μετασχηματισμός ; Διαδικτυακά συστήματα κρατήσεων ; Διαδικτυακές αξιολογήσειςAbstract
The main aim of the research is to describe the effects of technology on the tourism sector. Specifically, the technologies under consideration are electronic booking systems in combination with global distribution systems, the use of social media and online reviews. For this purpose a quantitative method was used with questionnaires for citizens of the country. The results of the study showed that technology really changed the tourism industry, especially the hospitality industry as the investigation was conducted on hotel managers and visitors. In particular, the findings of this study revealed that electronic booking systems, social media and online reviews allow better interaction between tourism businesses and consumers, facilitate marketing and greater business accounting, improve service quality and provide customised services to clients through the customer knowledge which offered by feedback, increases the bargaining power of hotels due to online reviews and finally leads to increased customer confidence, brand recognition, customer satisfaction and loyalty and hotel profitability. So it is expected that the tourism sector and especially the hospitality industry will rely heavily on technology the following years. However, it is necessary to do more researches on different tourism businesses and their visitors in order to assess the impact of technology and digitalisation across the tourism sector.