Η σχέση μεταξύ συναλλαγματικών ισοτιμιών και τιμών μετοχών: ανάλυση από τα κυριότερα διεθνή χρηματιστήρια

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Συνάλλαγμα ; Τιμές των μετοχών ; Fixed effects ; GMMAbstract
The goal of this paper is to investigate the effect of exchange rates on
stock prices. This is implemented by using a sample with the OECD countries
for the time period 2000-2017 and certain variables, such as the major stock
indices, inflation, 10 year government bond spreads, industrial production and
exchange rates vis-a-vis the US dollar. In particular, it will be examined
whether exchange rates affect stock prices systematically, controlling for the
effect of the above determinants that may affect the relationship under
investigation. The empirical analysis is carried out by using methods for panel
data, such as the Least Squares with Fixed Effects method and the GMM
method. The results show evidence that exchange rates affect stock prices
positively and systematically.