Stock splits on the Athens Stock exchange

Master Thesis
Μάλαμα, Στυλιανή
2007-02-05Θεματική επικεφαλίδα
Χρηματιστήριο Αξιών Αθηνών ; Μετοχές -- Ελλάδα ; Stock splittingΠερίληψη
This study is based on a sample of stock splits initiated by Greek firms between
January 1st 1999 and April 30th 2006. We investigate the price reaction to Greek stock
splits by applying the “market model methodology” as described in Brown and
Warner (1985). Moreover, a cross- sectional analysis is presented so as to identify the
factors that can explain any abnormal stock returns around split announcement.
The rest of this study is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the institutional
aspects that apply to stock splits on the ASE and also a definition of stock splits is
given. Section 3 describes the various hypotheses about stock splits. Section 4 reviews
the literature. Section 5 presents the data of this study. Section 6 presents the
methodology. In Section 7 the empirical results are discussed. In section 8 a cross sectional
analysis is presented. In Section 9 the cross-sectional results are presented.
Finally, in Section 10 this study is summarized and the conclusions are drawn.