Εφαρμογή android για την καταγραφή γεωλογικών περιοχών με σκοπό τη διαχείριση λειτουργικότητας κινητών συσκευών κατά τη διάρκεια εισόδου ή/και εξόδου από αυτές
An android app for registering geological areas, that targets to increase management of mobile phone functionality when entering or leaving them
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The Postgraduate Thesis is An android app for registering geological areas, that targets to increase management of mobile phone functionality when entering or leaving them. Initially the application faithfully follows the complete authentication of users via email and password. The application can record a large number of areas without a minimum or maximum geological area limit. When importing the geological area, some user options are defined. Examples include: Bluetooth management, Wifi, 'Do Not Disturb' option, as well as an option to set whether or not this area is active. The geological area is selected by the user through a friendly environment, where a nominal argument is given. The user has the right to edit and / or delete this record. Finally, through an automated process that will be discussed below, the operating system of each mobile device understands when the device enters the geological area and initiates changes based on the user's choices.