Αναγνώριση σύνθετων γεγονότων στη ναυσιπλοΐα: μία εφαρμογή λογισμικού
A software tool for detecting complex events in the maritime domain
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Αναγνώριση σύνθετων γεγονότων ; AIS ; Εξομοίωση ; Java ; Esper ; Ναυσιπλοΐα ; Event recognition ; Marine traffic ; SimulationAbstract
The essay at hand aims at introducing a software application simulating AIS - equipped marine traffic on routes among landmasses: Following extensive user input validation regarding the marine physical environment, ship technical details and performance, as well as their itineraries within said space, two simulation implementations are presented, differing on the degree of their respective input - output independence; the output being real-time AIS position broadcasts from the simulated fleet. Furthermore, the broadcast positions are visualized in real-time on a map, while more significantly, as they comprise a stream of low-level events (LLEs), those are also channeled towards an instance of the popular complex event processing system, Esper CEP, thus triggering a high-level event recognition procedure. Queries of that framework, embedded in the application as detection rules, render the system “vigilant”, observing the AIS broadcast stream for any matches on specific situations of interest, such as: abrupt direction changes, shore proximity and other behaviors deemed peculiar, illegal, unsafe or malicious.