Οικονομοτεχνική ανάλυση και αξιολόγηση ίδρυσης καινοτομικής μονάδας σπιρουλίνας

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Οικονομοτεχνική ανάλυση ; Χρηματοοικονομική ανάλυση ; Ανάλυση επενδύσεων ; Σπιρουλίνα ; Επιχειρηματικός σχεδιασμόςAbstract
Spirulina, now named Arthrospira scientifically, is a Filamentous belonging microalgae and Cyanobacteria. Has a long history as a safe food product lacks toxicity and is produced commercially in large open tanks under controlled conditions. The recent interest has to do with microalgae's nutritional benefits and potential health effects. This is mainly due to the chemical composition.Nitrogen is anessential nutrient for the production of valuable biomass by photosynthetic organisms such as plants and microalgae.It is one of the most costly nutrients for biomass production. Nitrogen fertilizerproduction consumes high amounts of energy and represents a major indirect carbon dioxide input in the cultivation systems. Wastewater contains various forms of nitrogen, thatare assimilable by plants and microalgae. Recycling or recovering nitrogenfrom wastewater streams is of particular significance, because on the one handits environmental impact is reduced and on the other hand it can be used as valuable nutrient for biomass production.In this diplomatic study examined the possibility of creating an innovative Spirulina production plant with the use of ammonia from wastage waste and whether it would be a profitable and feasible proposal for the entrepreneur.The results show that the business appears to be profitable both in financial analysis and in society.