Αξιολόγηση ευχρηστίας και διδακτικής μεθοδολογίας e-learning προγράμματος

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Επιμόρφωση ; Σχεδιασμός τεχνολογιών μάθησης ; Αξιολόγηση εκπαιδευτικού λογισμικού ; Continuous education ; Learning technologies design ; Evaluation of educational siteAbstract
The advent of the society of knowledge provokes new data for the learning progress: the global digital finance demands versatile workforce, which keeps abreast of the times as far as new knowledge, rapidly produced, is concerned. In a similar way, citizens of the society of knowledge need to get constantly re-educated, so that they become competitive and able to make use of the new potentials for their personal progression. Rapid development of learning technologies offers new abilities for the satisfaction of the affore-mentioned needs : web-based learning environment, learning management systems, learning content management systems. Furthermore, recent innovations in educational technology afford differentiation from the model of traditional teaching: learning can be liberated from the class and take place anywhere through outdoor activities. Towards the goal of the maximizing of the utility of such learning environments, very careful choice of the characteristics of designing, construction and content is needed. This is why wide research is currently being performed on the field of designing and elaboration of computer-supported collaborative work. Granted that necessity of continual further education of working people as prerequisite of their professional progress – so that everlasting adjustment to the fluidity of the jobs’ environmental circumstances – the evaluation of offered educational programs provides inspection, assurance of quality and fulfillment of deficiencies. The current thesis is dedicated to this quality control of a distance-learning program on special education.