Carbon Markets. Προστιθέμενη αξία, προϊόντα, κίνδυνοι, θεσμικό πλαίσιο
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EU ETS ; MAC ; Περιβάλλον ; Άνθρακας ; Φόροι ; Ανώτατο όριο ; Ρύποι ; Ευρωπαϊκό σύστημα ; Ευρώπη ; Οριακό κόστος μείωσης ; Γη ; Planet ; Earth ; Carbon ; Joint Implementation ; Clean Development Mechanism ; GHGs ; Κιότο ; Πρωτόκολλο του Κιότο ; Υπερθέρμανση ; Carbon markets ; Cap and trade ; Command and control ; Περιβαλλοντική καταστροφή ; Αγορές άνθρακα ; Οικονομικό κόστος ; Συστήματα εμπορίας ρύπων ; Τιμολόγηση άνθρακα ; Οριακό κόστος ; Carbon tax ; Marginal abatement cost diagrams ; Εμπορία ρύπων ; Environmental change ; Trading systems ; Φαινόμενο του θερμοκηπίουAbstract
This diploma thesis aims to present the carbon markets, analyze how they work and the role they have acquired in recent years due to the environmental change.
In the second chapter, we analyze the climate change and its economic cost, while we also make a reference to the existing trading systems.
The third chapter presents a) the general economic logic, b) the added value of carbon markets through the use of marginal abatement cost diagrams for one and two companies and c) the pricing methodologies of carbon. Additionally,at the end of this chapter,we make a comparison between a carbon tax and a cap & trade system.
Fourth chapter deals with the EU ETS, the world's largest emissions trading system, and its functionalities. Finally, we present the issues of the EU ETS itself, as well as the criticism that it has received over the years.