Στρατηγική και ποιότητα στην ανώτερη εκπαίδευση: μελέτη περίπτωσης στρατηγικής ομάδας

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Στρατηγικό μάνατζμεντ ; Διοίκηση ολικής ποιότητας ; Ανώτατη Εκπαίδευση ; Strategic management ; Total quality management ; Higher EducationAbstract
During the 21st century, the issue of service quality – especially in the field of education – is demonstrated more and more, not only in the Greek territory but worldwide. This fact has intensified the efforts from various institutions – national and international – for thorough measurement of service quality so that the modern (contemporary) educational institutes will be elevated as the most competitive ones.
For that exact reason, this essay aims to highlight the importance of assessment – both internal and external –, which constitutes the main axis for quality assurance in the field of education and it is considered an aid for a creative, innovative and experiential learning. In addition, main target of this essay is the appliance of the tools of strategic management to the Greek Business Schools: University of Piraeus, Athens University of Economics and Business and University of Macedonia.
Specifically, in Part A, the theoretical background of strategic management, the basic concepts of Total Quality Management, with meticulous reference to service quality, and the structure of Greek superior education system are presented.
In Part B, an analysis of both the internal and external environment of the examined strategic group is performed, followed by an overview of the methodology of quality assurance in Greek superior education system. In Greece, this analysis is being carried out under the supervision of the Hellenic Quality Assurance & Accreditation Agency (HQA) and the legal framework that defines it.
However, the interest is focused on the external assessment, and for that reason, the structure of the standard, according to the requirements of HQA, is presented. Also, a detailed report is performed on pros and cons, as well as, suggestions for further development of positive and necessary changes for the improvement per subject based on the latest assessment, which was conducted during the period of October 2015 – July 2016, for the examined universities are presented.
In conclusion, useful deductions based on the examination of the findings of the aforementioned reports are drawn and suggestions for future examination of the topic are proposed.