Ανάπτυξη περιβάλλοντος η-μάθησης για την εκμάθηση του λογισμικού WordPress
Development of an e-learning environment for the use of the WordPress Content Management System
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Ηλεκτρονική μάθηση ; WordPress ; Γνωστική μαθητεία ; Moodle ; Σχεδιασμός ιστοσελίδας ; Συστήματα διαχείρισης μάθησης ; Συστήματα διαχείρισης περιεχομένου ; e-Learning ; Cognitive apprenticeship ; Design of webpage ; Content Management Systems (CMS) ; Learning Management Systems (LMS)Abstract
Objective of this master thesis is the creation of an electronic course for distance teaching the WordPress.com Content Management System, based on the didactic model of Cognitive Apprenticeship. During its development, emphasis was given to the incorporation of all of the didactic model's characteristics, as well as all of the levels of educational activities in Bloom's taxonomy. The e-course was implemented using the Moodle Learning Management System.
The research questions concerned: a) acquiring the capability of creating a website, b) acquiring the capability of evaluating websites' structure and c) the increase of the self-estimated level of knowledge regarding the use of the WordPress Content Management System. In order to validate them, participants were asked to create a website on a subject of their choice, to evaluate two of their classmates' websites as well as their own using a rubric and to answer two questionnaires (before and after the learning intervention) regarding their knowledge on specific WordPress functions. The results of the learning intervention indicated that the e-course created, validated all three research questions and was largely appreciated by the participants.