Ασφάλεια διαδικτυακών εφαρμογών με χρήση προγραμματιστικού πλαισίου Django
Web application security using Django framework
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Διαδικτυακή εφαρμογή ; Ασφάλεια διαδικτύου ; Διαδικτυακός προγραμματισμός ; Ανάπτυξη λογισμικού ; Αρχιτεκτονική ηλεκτρονικών υπολογιστών ; Django ; Object Relational Mapping (ORM)Abstract
The present thesis proposes the use of Django web framework for the purpose of designing secure web applications. In order to achieve that, the security vulnerabilities of the web applications, which may expose them to threats, the methodology of web attacks and the basic guidelines for designing a secure web application are presented. The Django web framework, its functionality and its security features are introduced. In the final chapters, we present a case study by designing a web application using Django and the security tools it provides. The web application is scanned for vulnerabilities by a security vulnerability scanner software. Based on the results of the vulnerability analysis, an improved version of the web application is presented.