Spillover effects of unconventional monetary policy on international bond markets
Master Thesis
Δεληγιάννης, Γεώργιος
Μαλλιαρόπουλος, ΔημήτριοςΠροβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Λέξεις κλειδιά
Unconventional monetray policy ; Spillover ; Emerging Market Economies (EMEs) ; Bond market ; Global economyΠερίληψη
This thesis examines the unconventional monetary policies that have been
implemented during the last two decades and focuses on their potential
spillover effects on bond yields. It describes what unconventional monetary
policy is, as well as why Central Banks resorted to it. The definitions of the
most popular tools of UMP are provided, as well as a timeline record of how
UMP has been implemented by the FED in the US and the ECB in the euro
area. Additionally, we focus on spillovers of UMP on emerging market
economies (EMEs), but also on the so-called “spill-backs” from EMEs to
advanced economies. In the empirical study, we examine bond yields of 12
European countries during a period of 95 months and how these are affected
through the various transmission channels of UMP. The results show that all
three channels (PB, signaling, liquidity) are effective, with the signaling
channel being the most effective. We find that the ECB has indeed managed
to maintain the crisis and point out the risk for countries with high idiosyncratic
risk, in case the asset purchase program stops.