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Kατανομή περιουσιακών στοιχείων ; Περίοδος ανάπτυξης ; Περίοδος κρίσης ; Συμβόλαια μελλοντικής εκπλήρωσης σε εμπορεύματα ; Δείκτες εμπορευμάτων ; Spanning ; Μέτρα αξιολόγησης των αποδόσεων ; Asset allocation ; Commodity boom ; Subprime crisis ; Commodity futures ; Commodity indexes ; Performance evaluation measuresAbstract
This paper is based on a theoretical framework in a previous investigation (Daskalaki, Skiadopoulos, 2011). Our aim is, using new data and covering a wider period of time to check whether the results can be differentiated. Specifically, we examine whether an investor is made better off by including commodities in a portfolio that consists of traditional asset classes. First, we revisit the posed question within an in-sample setting by employing mean-variance spanning tests. Then, we form optimal portfolios by taking into account the higher order moments of the portfolio returns distribution and evaluate their out-of-sample performance. Under an in - sample setting we find that investing in second and third generation indexes are profitable. Indeed, these results apply to an out - of - sample approach applying different performance measures and taking into account transaction costs. In addition, they confirmed by the views of some researchers that support the existence of benefits from the diversification of commodities. Finally, studying our main question and in different financial sub - periods realize that during a crisis the investment in commodities can be highly beneficial and in one period of growth can cause the exact opposite effect.