Μακροοικονομικοί παράγοντες επηρεασμού των δανείων. Η περίπτωση της Ελλάδας
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Προβληματικά δάνεια ; Στεγαστικά δάνεια ; Επιχειρηματικά δάνεια ; Καταναλωτικά δάνεια ; Ανεργία ; Πληθωρισμός ; Εποπτικές αρχές ; NPLs ; Δευτερογενής αγορά NPLs ; Problem loans ; Mortgage ; Business loans ; Consumer loans ; Unemployment ; Inflation ; Authorities ; Secondary market of NPLsAbstract
This thesis aims to find the determinants that are responsible for the big ratio of bad loans accumulated in the Greek banking sector, in a macroeconomic perspective, as well as to suggest solutions so as the level of problem loans existing in banking portfolios be lowered. Concerning the macrodeterminants that affect bad loans, we find that the variables causing problem loans in Greece are unemployment, inflation and the problem loans that already exist in banks’ portfolios. Regarding the possible solutions , the collaboration between lenders and borrowers is considered to be crucial under the guidance of the authorities, which have to create a framework targeting to the development of the secondary market of NPLs. The first chapter describes the history of the Greek economy, while the second chapter introduces the notion of problem loans and illustrates their evolution. Chapter 3 is the literature review and in chapter 4 the empirical process is being discussed along with the variables found to affect NPLs. Possible solutions are illustrated in the fifth chapter and chapter 6 contains the conclusion.