Στρατηγική ανάλυση στον κλάδο των τηλεπικοινωνιών - κινητών επικοινωνιών. Μελέτη περίπτωσης (Wind Hellas)
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Στρατηγική ; Στρατηγικός σχεδιασμός ; Στρατηγικό μάνατζμεντ ; Κινητή τηλεφωνία ; Ελλάδα ; SWOT analysisAbstract
This master thesis, developed for the Postgraduate Program of the Digital Systems Department, examines the task environment of the mobile industry in the Greek market. Specifically, it analyses the external and the internal environment and it provides detailed corporate strategy of mobile communications, which holds a significant position in the industry. The analysis of this issue consists of 5 chapters. In the first chapter, the thesis begins with an extensive reference to the basic concepts of strategy and strategic management. The second chapter highlights the state of telephony services in Greece but also in comparison with the European Union. Additionally, many indicators are presented -such as G.D.P.- and how the task environment contributed to the economy, society and environment in the last 20 years. Further on, in the third chapter is presented the sector of mobile telephony in Greece, in which companies compete with each other as well as an analysis of the external environment of the sector. By analyzing the external environment, we can identify the opportunities and threats for the relevant industry. Subsequently, and particularly in the fourth chapter, the company’s internal environment is described. The mission, the vision, the organizational chart and all the internal procedures are highlighted. This way, it is easy to identify the strengths and the weaknesses of the company which is under study. In the fifth chapter, all the opportunities-threats and strengths-weaknesses of the external and internal environment (S.W.O.T.) are presented as a tabular form. Also, all the current strategies followed by the company are recorded and the capabilities which are crucial for the success of the strategy, are depicted. Furthermore, all the alternative strategies with respect to the fundamental capabilities of the company to maintain its position and to increase its market share evaluated. In conclusion, there is a reference to the alternative strategy that will be followed by the company in order to achieve its purposes which the management has already set.