Ρόλος και η αποτελεσματικότητα της δημόσιας διοίκησης και της απονομής της δικαιοσύνης στην ανάπτυξη του τουριστικού κλάδου

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Δημόσια διοίκηση ; Δικαιοσύνη ; Τουριστικός κλάδος ; Πολυνομία ; Ανεπάρκεια ; Διαφθορά ; Αξιοκρατία ; ΑρνησιδικίαAbstract
This thesis is aimed at describing and demonstrating the role and effectiveness of public administration and justice in the development of the tourism industry. The description focuses on the role of administrative science and the relationship between public administration and the citizen and the development of his personality, as well as the importance of the public administration’s role in the socioeconomic development. The notion of justice and its value are explicated by highlighting the importance and necessity of the judicial system in terms of the development of one’s personality and individual rights and freedoms, but also in terms of supporting and maintaining an appropriate business and investment environment fostering growth and innovation. Also described is the modern Greek reality, an aftereffect of the intense interdependence between the State, the politics and society, a fact which further highlights the authoritative role of public administration towards the citizen, who is led to assume the role of the ruled being able to hold virtually zero influence. The ways in which public administration and justice contribute in the development of the Tourism industry, which accounts for 20% of the country’s GDP are also examined. Basic figures of Greek tourism are observed and the effectiveness of public administration in the development of the tourism industry is explored. Analysis focuses on the delays in issuing court decisions, while the public administration’s arrhythmia and the “Denial of Justice” climate are identified as a hindrance to the economy as a whole, placing the tourism industry into a recession characterized by a lacking of large investments. The findings of primary research on "The Role and Effectiveness of Public Administration and the Award of Justice in the Development of the Economy as a whole and the Development of the Tourism Sector" are presented and a case study of a dispute between a commercial enterprise in the tourism sector and the public administration is examined, showcasing the enterprise’s experience of contact with the justice system as well as how its overall development was affected. Lastly, the thesis recommends the continuation and implementation of the national strategy for administrative reform under its 4 pillars, namely Administrative Structures, Administrative Functions, Human Resources and Transparency and Accountability. It is emphasized that effective public administration requires a strong and coherent, clearly defined strategy and that the relations and influences of political leadership with public administration are reduced by conducting the separation of state functions with specialization, diversification and successful synchronization, increasing the Efficiency and effectiveness.