Ποιοτικός έλεγχος ναυτιλιακών καυσίμων
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Ναυτιλιακά καύσιμα ; Διαδικασία πετρέλευσης ; Δειγματοληψία από σημείο αγωγού ; Δειγματοληψία από δεξαμενή ; Ποιοτικός έλεγχος ; Ποσοτικός έλεγχοςAbstract
Main Purpose of this essay is the presentation of the procedures needed for quality control of marine bunkers from the time of bunkering till the moment of use in vessel’s engine. At first, there are references in origin, manufacture, specific types, specifications, qualities and respective off-spec consequences of marine bunkers. Second main point of reference is the bunkering procedure, the measurement and calculation of bunker quantities and also the important for quality control, sampling procedure. Third point is the presentation of analysis methods needed for checking the quality of marine bunkers according to the ISO. Fourth point is an attempt for on-board quality control of marine bunkers, mainly during the bunkering procedure. Finally, a statistic presentation of 3-year bunker analysis results from an ISO certified laboratory is reported.