Αξιολόγηση ενός υπερ-επόπτη για ενσωματωμένα συστήματα πραγματικού χρόνου
Evaluation of a hypervisor for real-time embedded systems

Master Thesis
Pikoulis, Georgios V.
Πίκουλης, Γεώργιος Β.
Ψαράκης, ΜιχαήλView/ Open
Hypervisors ; XtratuM hypervisor ; Performance evaluation ; Data transferAbstract
Hypervisors offer a way to achieve software functionality isolation, by partitioning system elements. While
providing isolation, it is unavoidable that each partitioned element will have slower execution times compared
to a standalone element. Depending on the application, such delays might not be acceptable, so it is vital to
have prior knowledge of those limitations and design accordingly.
Embedded systems can make use of a hypervisor to partition their functionality, but they can be particularly
restricted in their timing deadlines. Delays introduced by the hypervisors have to be observed and taken into
account in the system’s task schedule.
The mission of this study is to evaluate the performance of such partitions, when managed by the XtratuM, a
freely distributed hypervisor. We chose this approach in order to study the use and performance of a hypervisor
in real-time embedded systems.
To evaluate the performance of the XtratuM, we will measure the execution time of a test routine in various
scenarios. To present a meaningful comparison, we will juxtapose the results with the execution time of the
test routine when run without the intervention of the hypervisor.