Συστημικές προσεγγίσεις σε στρατηγικό μάνατζμεντ στην Alouette Α.Ε.
Systemic approaches to strategic management in Alouette S.A.

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Στρατηγικό μάνατζμεντ ; Κλάδος ένδυσης και υπόδησης ; Συστημικές μεθοδολογίες DCSYM ; ΣτρατηγικήAbstract
This thesis aims to present and implement systemic approaches, with a view to formulating the strategy of an enterprise.
Initially, becomes a presentation of the basic principles of strategic management, the methods that used to select the appropriate strategy, as well as its importance to modern businesses. Then it discusses the concept of system and performs an analysis of systemic methodologies which are used for visualization and analysis of structures of a company. Finally, carried out study in case of ALOUETTE S.A., which is a children's clothing company operating in the form of a public limited-liability company. Using the DCSYM methodology, analyses the structure and operation of the company considering the communication and interaction between components with a view to proposing improvements and to demonstrate the utility of this methodology. Respectively, using Vensim PLE software applies a dynamic analysis model to study the behavior of the system in the evolution of time and under the influence of specific factors.