Περιφερειακές διαφοροποιήσεις θνησιμότητας κατά φύλο και αιτία θανάτου στην Ελλάδα το 2011
Regional differentials in mortallity by sex and cause of death in Greece in 2011
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Στατιστική ανάλυση ; Δημογραφία ; Ελλάδα ; Θνησιμότητα ; Standardized Mortality Ratios (SMR)Abstract
In this particular dissertation we studied mortality by cause of death for all
regions of Greece in 2011. More specifically, three main causes of death were studied:
as Neoplasms Diseases of the Circulatory system and Violent Deaths for males and
females separately. The study uses standardized mortality ratios (SMR) by cause of
death and sex. The SMR’s were calculated for the thirteen regions of Greece, using
the population by age and sex recorded in the 2011 Census and the average of all
deaths occurring over 2010-2012 by cause and sex for these regions. As a standard
the age-specific mortality rates by sex and cause of death for the whole country in
2011 were used. Finally, the 95% confidence intervals for the SMRs were computed.
The main results obtained from the analysis are as follows:
Higher presents higher S SMR in the region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace for
Neoplasms and Diseases of the Circulatory as well as in the region of Central Greece
for violent deaths. Higher S SMR for women we observe in the regions of Eastern
Macedonia and Thrace and Thessaly for Diseases of the Circulatory system and in
Attiki for Neoplasms. This is due to the observed number of deaths in these regions
being greater than the expected number of deaths; in effect, the mean mortality level
in the abovementioned regions is higher compared to the mortality level of the
standard population.