Προφίλ των ηλικιωμένων (ηλικίας 65 και άνω) στην Ελλάδα και σε χώρες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης βάσει στοιχείων της έρευνας SHARE
The profile of elderly people over the age of 65 in Greece and other European countries based on SHARE data
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Δημογραφική στατιστική ; Τρίτη ηλικία ; Ηλικιωμένοι ; Τρόπος ζωής ηλικιωμένων ; Κατάθλιψη ; Χρόνιες ασθένειες ; Υγεία ; Αυτοαντίληψη για την ζωή ; Εισόδημα ηλικιωμένων ; Third age ; Elderly people ; Lifestyle of elderly people ; Depression ; Chronic illnesses ; Health ; Self-perception of life ; Income of elderly peopleAbstract
The survey aims to explore and describe in depth the characteristics of the elderly people in the European Union countries as well as in Greece with a special reference to the way and quality of life as well as to their level of health. Additionally, an attempt is made to compare these features between countries and to identify the associations between the variables that outline the aging population profile. Firstly, the theoretical framework of work is presented, including general information on aging and the SHARE research project. Second, the design and conduct of the present study is discussed, which is based on data from the second wave of SHARE. The research includes the thirteen countries below: Austria, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, France, Denmark, Greece, Switzerland, Belgium, the Czech Republic and Poland. The variables tested and analyzed for information concern the basic aspects of life of elderly people. The rest of this thesis examines the effects that socio demographic factors such as gender, age, educational level and the country of residence have on specific diseases and health conditions of the elderly people. To carry out the analysis, Logistic Regression Models are used. The results of the research, shows that Switzerland, Germany and Austria have a better financial level than the rest of the countries. More specifically, in these countries income and expenditure are fairly high but this does not hold regarding wealth. From our analysis, women seem to have more health problems than men. Women also exhibit a relatively lower educational level compared to men. We can also understand that the social and economic factors play an important role in health.This means that higher education levels and a greater economic level are associated with better health.To conclude, it is true that if you get older you feel that your health will be worsen. Also,it is worthy to be said that widowhood in most cases is aggravating for health.