Διεθνές θαλάσσιο εμπόριο κα ελληνική ναυτιλία : πολίτικες & στρατηγικές στα πλαίσια της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης
International sea trade and Greek shipping : policies & strategies under the European Union

Master Thesis
Σαχτούρης, Ιωάννης
2015-03View/ Open
Θαλάσσιες μεταφορέςKeywords
Παγκόσμια αύξηση του προϊόντος ; Ακαθάριστο Εγχώριο Προϊόν ; ΑΕΠ ; Εμπόριο εμπορευμάτων ; Διεθνές θαλάσσιο εμπόριο ; Θαλάσσιο εμπόριο ανά είδος φορτίου ; Κύρια χύδην φορτία ; Αργό πετρέλαιο ; Ελληνική εμπορική ναυτιλία ; Στρατηγική των θαλάσσιων μεταφορών ; SWOT ; Shipping ; Global output growth ; GDP ; Domestic product ; Cargo trading ; International maritime commerce ; Seaborne trade per freight ; Major bulks ; Crude oil ; Greek commercial shipping ; Strategy in maritime transport ; SWOT analysisAbstract
The following review concerns maritime transport. Specifically, a thorough presentation of global maritime commerce follows as well as a reference as to the extent of impact the growth of commerce in maritime transport has suffered and more specifically the impact the maritime commerce per freight has suffered due to the geopolitical and financial conditions prevailing both world widely and on a European basis. Thereafter, a concise presentation of Greek commercial shipping is at issue as well as the contribution of Greek ocean-going shipping to the Greek economy. Finally, there is a reference to the strategy adopted by Europe and Greece alike as to maritime transport and the measures taken by EU countries in order to meet the rising demands of international competition. Furthermore, there is a mentioning of the strategy Europe as well as Greece has, concerning the safety of commercial shipping and the targets set by Europe up to the year 2018. Conclusively, from the following thesis, we come to the conclusion that the outlook for global financial and industrial production is positive. Maritime transport is ever burgeoning, while in the countries with an increase in commercial shipping either in export or import we notice an increase in their financial and industrial production. In addition, Asia is developing at a fast rate (7%) compared to others such as Europe which is developing at slower rates of (0.1%) for the year 2013. Europe will have to implement a number of politics and strategies in order to meet the international competition demands. As for Greek Shipping, swot analysis indicates it possesses many strong features but also an abundance of opportunities for further improvement and development of its commercial shipping.