Διεθνής επιχειρηματική δραστηριότητα : η περίπτωση των ελληνικών εξαγωγών
International business activity : the case of Greek exprorts
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Διεθνές εμπόριοKeywords
Εξαγωγές ; Ελλάδα ; Μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις ; International trade ; Exports ; Greece ; Small and medium enterprisesAbstract
The modern uncertain reality has turned the business environment into an international arena,
where companies, coming from a multitude of countries, are struggling frantically to keep
"alive". The current conditions of the global economy make the need of business to operate in
markets outside national borders vital and urgent. The current financial climate does not leave
room for businesses to remain aloof and detached from the outside world.
Given the present financial situation, in which the global community is, the survival and
the development of enterprises are most directly dependent on the adoption of an appropriate
internationalization strategy. However, before a business make an international expansion, it
must estimate the risks, the advantages and the disadvantages of such an action, the return that
will be gained and the types of the internationalization strategies that are in accordance with
its policy and philosophy. Once it takes the decision to expand, the company should continue
directly to the stage of organization. At this stage, accurate information, careful study and
detailed evaluation of all parameters are required for the development of Market Research, the
organization of the Marketing Mix, the determination of the pricing policy and the
determination of the Distribution Networks.
Additionally, because of the fact that a business international expansion is a complex
process that involves risks and requires special attention, the competent bodies have created
specific mechanisms and procedures to facilitate the smooth operation of the export activity.
These procedures concern the contract agreements, the implementation of international trade
transactions, ways of settlement and all the individual parameters associated with the
coverage of both counterparties. On the study of exports at the country level, in the case of
Greece, exports undoubtedly play a key role in the sustainability of the Greek economy. This
fact becomes clear through the analysis and the presentation of statistical data and financial
figures that follow in the main part of the paper. The estimation of the relationship between
exports and GDP, Growth Rate, Competitiveness and the Trade Balance evaluation "reveal"
the value of exports to the Greek economy.
Finally, this paper deals with the export activity in the case of Greek Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs). This project aims to research and study the extroversion of Greek SMEs,
which are the driving force of the Greek economy. The Greek SMEs are the most affected
enterprises by the outburst of the most severe financial downturn of recent years. And
although they face serious problems in a daily base they are trying, through the only available
means called "Exports", to stand up and if not to be developed further, at least to survive.