Η επίδραση της εφαρμογής συνεργατικής & τεχνολογικά υποστηριζόμενης μάθησης στην ανάπτυξη κινήτρων των εκπαιδευόμενων

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According to the modern learning theories, particularly the sociocultural ones, such as activity theory, situated cognition, distributed cognition, self-regulated learning, cognitive apprenticeship, anchored instruction, problem based learning, cognitive flexibility theory, and the differentiated learning theory, it is strongly supported and widely understood that the cultivation and development of cognition is that of a social interaction process. Thus, it is imperative that the application of cooperative learning should happen via utilizing environments that allow the development of communicative situations and the interaction between individuals, aiming at the optimization of the learning process.
Meanwhile, above the importance of cooperation and social interaction, specific emphasis should be given on the affective factors, which relate to the personality characteristics and the emotional status of the student in order to achieve the use of appropriate pedagogical approaches and effective motivation of the trainee (Ames, 1992). Although the emotional component was put aside before due to the cognitive learning factors, it is now recognized for its critical importance as more as it is incorporated in the teaching operation and brings excellent results. This can be easily understood if we consider the importance of the optimistic approach towards new learning experiences, that stimulate the curiosity and configure an individual's capacity to pinpoint correlations and broaden his perception through discoverment procedures.
Additionally, it is a known fact that the integration of Information Technologies and Communication education, is increasingly gaining ground worldwide, which in turn enables the use of the Online Learning Environment and Digital Data, which, having the appropriate pedagogical formulation, may focus on personalized learning, develop emotional indicators, support knowledge building and collaborative learning, through communication processes and simultaneous development of skills and familiarize students with multimedia technologies and Internet technologies.
Therefore, by regarding as critical the social and psychological indicators while at the same time recognizing the opportunities offered by e-learning towards the development of these factors, the need arises to carry out educational research, in order to highlight the motivators and high-level skills that can be cultivated with the implementation of collaborative learning, combined with the help of technology.
These elements have been the driving force for the implementation of this research, which deals with the impact of e-learning, factoring the elaboration of affiliate strategies and cooperative learning scenarios (CLCS scripts), the development of students motivation, and particularly on the indicators Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction, which constitute the components of the theoretical motivation development model ARCS Model of Keller (Keller, 1987).
The subject of this educational intervention was selected by the Economic Science sector, for teaching at the Lyceum. More specifically, the course outline that was selected to be taught electronically has the theme: «Business Plan» and is addressed to the students of the First Class of Lyceum. As a criterion and all together challenge for choosing this subject was the finding that the Lyceums First Class students have never come into contact with anything similar, making it very important and challenging to respond in a new educational subject.