Εργασιακό άγχος στους νοσηλευτές κλειστών τμημάτων στο Γ. Ν. Ν. Ιωνίας "Κωνσταντοπούλειο"
Occupational stress among hospital nurses in “special” clinics to G. H. N. Ionias “Konstantopouleio”
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Εργασιακό άγχος ; Νοσηλευτές ; Κλειστό τμήμα ; Πηγές άγχους ; Επιπτώσεις ; Ικανοποίηση ; Occupational stress ; Nurses ; Special clinics ; Sources of stress ; Impact ; SatisfactionAbstract
Introduction: Stress has negative and positive effects. Nursing is inherently a stressful profession and for this reason all the negative aspects of stress should be checked and treated. The work-related stress is a group of affective and cognitive symptoms which include depression, anxiety and anger and are particularly evident when the facts of life are not desired and / or controlled. The main sources of stress is the increased workload, death and dying, conflicts with doctors-nurses-head nurse-patients and their relatives, the lack of support, lack of prestige, no balance home / work, the continuous effort for providing quality services, poor education, lack of qualified staff, working conditions and the emergencies situations.
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the occupational stress of nurses in special departments in Konstantopouleio Nea Ionia Hospital.
Material and Method: The study sample consisted of 93 nurses who worked in special departments. For the purposes of this study a questionnaire was constructed which consists of four parts and a total of 43 questions. The first part contains the demographics of respondents, the second part describes the work situation of nurses, the third part explore theactions/sources that create stress to nurses and the fourth part identifies the type of personality of respondents.
Results: Most nurses were women (84.9%) aged 40-49 years (48.4%), married (63.4%) and had technology education (58.1%). The time of participants worked in special departments was 16.1 ± 7.5 years. Most nurses (71%) claimed that their work is not boring and monotonous, and they do not want to work somewhere else (59.1%). Also, they referred they have constant time pressure due to a high workload (55.9%) and that they have many responsibilities during their shift (69.9%). In addition, participants in the study indicated that there is a serious lack of staff (49.5%) and disagreed with the view that their life is adversely affected by the problems of their work (50.5%). In addition, nurses who participated in the study believe that their professional aspirations
and ambitions have not been performed (57%). The stressful situations which were mentioned are the increased demands of the Unit / Department (62.4%), the perception that if they do not something well they will have negative sequences (60.2%), fear of making a mistake (62.3%) and the economic crisis (83.9%). Instead, the main factors that are not stressful or are poorly stressful for the nurses in this study are exaggerated expectations of their superiors (65.2%), excessive demands of patients and their relatives (75%) and the assessment of civil servants (65.2%). The women reported significantly more than men that there is a serious shortage of staff in their department (2.94 versus 2.5, p <0.05). Women also felt significantly more that stress factors are interpersonal relationships and role conflict (2.54 versus 2.07, p <0.05), the fear of making a mistake (2.87 versus 2.36, p <0.05) and feel that the time has at their disposal finishes (2.22 versus 1.79, p <0.05). Married compared with single persons and those with children also reported significantly more that the increased demands of the Unit / Department cause them intense stress (p = 0,045). Nurses with higher education were significantly more likely to report that they wish to work in another department in relation to the others (3 versus 1.8, p <0.05), reported that interpersonal relationships and conflict of roles, and the feeling that time they have available to them ending are the main causes of occupational stress (p <0.05) and they are constantly in tension (3.7 versus 2.4. p <0.05).
Conclusions: Nurses find their work interesting and most do not wish to change department. They have an increased workload and severe lack of staff. Women experience more occupational stress. The reduction of occupational stress of nurses in special departments is a way to increase the satisfaction of nurses from their work and increase the quality of health care services.