Επιτυχία και αποτυχία έργων ηλεκτρονικής διακυβέρνησης
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Ηλεκτρονική διακυβέρνησηKeywords
Αποτυχία ή επιτυχία έργου ; Πλαίσιο ηλεκτρονικής διακυβέρνησης ; Διοίκηση έργου ; Βέλτιστες πρακτικές ; Διαχείριση αλλαγών ; Δημόσια διοίκηση ; Ανεξάρτητη Αρχή ; Μεθοδολογία ή μοντέλο αξιολόγησης ; Electronic government (e-government) ; e-Government model ; Project’s success or failure ; e-Government framework ; Project management ; Best practices ; Change management ; Public administration ; Independent Authority ; Methodology or evaluation modelAbstract
This diploma thesis, developed for the Postgraduate Program of the Digital Systems Department, examines the success/failure of e-government projects.
More specifically, it analyses the need to introduce Management Best Practices at the Public Sector Administration and presents sample methods used for the evaluation process of project outcomes, as well as the factors that contributed to their success.
The thesis refers to the fundamental concepts of e-government, its utility and the value that it adds at the Public Sector Administration, the causes leading to failure e-government projects, the challenges and the best practices applied during their implementation, as well as the analysis of key factors that influencing to the success of these projects.
Featured models and types of e-government services, the Greek framework within which they are developed and evaluation methodologies of e-government projects are presented, along with the case study of a specific e-government project in which such a methodology is applied.