Συνεργατικά συστήματα διαχείρισης κινδύνου στα πληροφοριακά συστήματα λιμένων

Master Thesis
Αθανασίου, Παναγιώτης
2015-10View/ Open
Λιμενικοί κίνδυνοιAbstract
The present thesis explores the issue of security in commercial ports. The
main goal is the achievement of a holistic security control and assessment that
includes both physical security of port facilities and their information systems.
After identifying the gaps in existing laws, standards and port security
management tools we propose a solution to address the emerging issues.
The thesis concludes with the presentation of a developed website, which
provides a tool for the assessment of a commercial port’s security level, the risk
assessment tool, Medusa.