Συνεργατική διακυβέρνηση : ανάπτυξη συνεργατικού συστήματος "Ενεργοί Πολίτες"
Collaborative governance : development of collaborative system “Energoi Polites”
Διακυβέρνηση ; Ηλεκτρονική διακυβέρνησηKeywords
Electronic government (e-government)Abstract
In recent years, even in our country, it is observed that collaborative governance occupies an increasing range of applications. This development demonstrates that the rulers in the world are realizing more and more that the solutions mainly on large and difficult problems must be sought both through the cooperation of states, and the collaboration of public and private actors. The technology, the rapid development has shown, a helping hand in this endeavor. In the current work highlighting solutions provided by collaborative governance. For the purpose of the work analyzed two of the most widespread model of collaborative governance describes the advantages, characteristics, conditions and threats posed by the implementation of solutions collaborative governance. Furthermore, we analyze the research project Immigration Policy 2.0 and the practical application of the task includes creation of a collaborative system, using content management system and appropriate tools web 2.0, which is a solution of collaborative governance. Work completes the creation of a business plan for the product of a collaborative system.