Μελέτη παραγόντων risk management για ανάπτυξη και εφαρμογή ενός πληροφοριακού συστήματος

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Ασφάλεια πληροφοριακών συστημάτωνAbstract
The complexity of modern chain of production and distribution of products, combined with the need for informed business decisions, create the need for integrated resource management of an enterprise and the information flow. Also, the increase of the level of customer service, shows a significant tendency to differentiate products and services according to the needs of each client. Perhaps the only way of effective management and coverage of these requirements is achieved by using modern information management systems enterprise resource planning, also known as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
These information systems are integrated business solutions that fully cover all range of business activities of a company (production, trade, services, etc.) in a single system.
The achieved growth in information technology, in recent years has gradually made the use of ERP systems permitting, not only to large but also to small and medium size corporations. It would be no exaggeration to mention that '' light systems ERP'' can even be used by businesses with just five people to their credit, although it can be understood that the benefits of integration in such cases is smaller than that in complex organizational designs where the problem of understanding and cooperation between the different organizational units is inevitable.
In this paper , will be studying Risk Management factors for the development and implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP), and determine how it can help application processes within the company, with the aim to prevent unfortunate and untoward incidents, which would adversely affect the company's reliability and customer satisfaction.
This research is divided into three sections.
In the first section is discussed the bibliography and more specifically the meanings of project, risk and risk management. It is also analyzed the lifecycle of risk management, i.e. the stages of setting the context, identification, analysis, evaluation, treatment, control and monitoring, and communication and consultation. Finally are discussed some general aspects of the ERP information system.
The second section analyzes the process of risk management system ERP, taking into account the problems encountered during the operation. More specifically, it identifies some risks of the system, analyze, evaluate, finds the plans to address them, specifies their monitoring and condition , the leaves' risks are created and their centralized reporting.
The third section describes the findings of the research which show that the risk management process is essential to organisms that possible absence can cause from small to very large problems.