Ψυχική υγεία : χρηματοδότηση, προϋπολογισμός και βελτίωση της ποιότητας των παρεχόμενων υπηρεσιών
Mental health : finance, budget and improvement of the mental health services

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Mental health services -- Administration ; Mental health services -- Finance ; Mental health policy -- Greece ; Ψυχική υγεία, Υπηρεσίες της -- Διοίκηση και οργάνωση ; Ψυχική υγεία, Υπηρεσίες της -- Χρηματοδότηση ; Ψυχική υγεία, Υπηρεσίες της -- ΕλλάδαAbstract
Nowadays a lot of scientists are of the opinion that mental illnesses are a plague. Some people are prone to such illnesses. For example, pilgrims, the poor and the old people. In 1980, the situation in the health sector was not described with vivid colors. It was that period of time that European Union took the decision to take measures and help Greece to overcome the problems that had in the mental health sector. Then, the Greek politicians took the initiative to reform the diseased hospital system with the Psyhargos programme. This reform started many years ago and takes place until today. Although ,it was described as a breakthrough in the health sector ,Psyhargos has not been applied in the best way possible. For example, in Elia, governors that is necessary to expand the hospital facilities. People who are interested in the mental health know that they have to face a very serious obstacle and that is the fund of the hospitals and the services. A lot of people know that the sources are scarce and is of high importance to overcome the financial difficulties. For instance some European countries such as Germany estimated that they spend 270 per person who suffers from a mental disease and in England the indirect cost is huge. It high time governors found a way to raise money. The truth is that nowadays is not easy to collect money. That’s why politicians should set priorities. For example, it would be ideal if initiatives would lead to the improvement of the services quality or the equality of the people’s rights. A very important parameter is the budget. The Budget would contribute to the right share of the financial sources among the people. Of course, it is a way that governors control in the best way possible the scarce resources. On the one hand people are trying to find money so that they fund mental health system, do their best to share equally the budget and on the other hand governors look for offering quality services to the mental ill people. Quality contributes to the protection of dignity of people and sometimes it may lead to help human beings to become better and overcome some of their problems. Although, it sounds easy to reach quality, is not. People who govern the very sensitive sector of health should take some measures which is of high importance to follow so that they may see some results after some years. If the measures are effective, ratios would show the improvement or not. Nowadays, the target is to improve the quality of the services. That’s why they took the decision to apply the above mentioned reformed programme Psyhargos which has some problems but scientists and politicians think that in the long term they will get very good results.